Saturday, June 17, 2006

Do Not Antagonise The Hilary

Otherwise You Get Hurt.

Last night, some bloke undid my bra.

I do not apologise for what I did next.

I don't think he will ever do that again. Ever. To Anybody.


Hilary said...

I'm fine. Still a little annoyed. And completely paranoid that it's come undone again...

Oh, and the head's not feeling too special either.

Anonymous said...

You think he'd pick on someone his own size. I'd be too scared to try to wind you up!

Anonymous said...

Hills, I think you did really well not to hit anybody for so long, but this bloke deserved it. Just don't get into the habit in case I wind you up one day (but I'll never do what he did! eep)

All will be fine, and nobody who knows him will ever mess with you again
