Thursday, January 05, 2012

Speak Easy

Sometimes I get random songs from way back stuck in my head. And so it was today that I ended up with Speak Easy from Bugsy Malone in my head. Again, this is quite relevant to how I'm feeling as speaking easy is difficult for me today! My throat feels like it's got razor blades in it and I have been feeling very groggy. Not good.

But today was the first day back with my trainer, Dean. So I couldn't wuss out and say I wasn't feeling very well. It wasn't bad in the end. I spent an hour pumping weights, doing chin ups, lunges, squats, sit ups and planks. We always chat. We discussed my mother's attempt to get me to move out of their flat. She decided to break this to me on Christmas day, which I wasn't very impressed with. So we will see over the next month or so what happens with that. I am desperate to move out, but I was hoping that my fiance Stuart would be able to move down first so we could find somewhere to live together. At the moment this doesn't look like it's going to happen. The job market is so slow at the moment that it's very hard for him to find a job.
Dean was also very hungry so we spent some time discussing food! I was trying to describe Lebkuchen to him, as I'd bought him some especially from Lidl (they're the best from there!). They're my favourite biscuit ever!
Today was also the day I discovered I was an auntie again, as my sister Theresa gave birth to a baby boy. Great news and congratulations to her!

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