So I haven't updated this blog in ages. And it's only because Twitter isn't working that I've come here. I feel a need to SAY SOMETHING. I wonder if anyone actually comes here any more.
I'm sat on a train writing this on my HTC magic (great phone, completely feeds my obsession with social networking like tinder to a flame). I'm going backwards. In fact, this is not as irritating as usual. I am listening to November Rain and it is in fact raining. The air con is on and, just like at work, I am freezing my butt off. I brought Shopaholic goes abroad with me for a bit of froth but found it too frothy and now have nothing to read. I miss good old meaty Wilbur Smith action. The guy next to me was having some kind of moment when I got on the train, but seems to be normal now. Oh no, he's being odd again, maybe he's got some kind of OCD.
I feel better now, hope you enjoyed that random diatribe.
Update: we're running slow because of a report of a cow on the line. Brilliant.