I've been trying to get myself motivated into training for the last bit of my standard distance triathlon in August - the 10 k run. If you've been reading my blog ever you'll know that running just doesn't agree with me. The furthest I've run is 9 k and I was getting worried that I'd never make the 10. Especially after swimming and cycling. So I was discussing this with the guys at the cycle shop. Luckily for me they are ironmen so they also have lots of running experience as well as cycling. So one of the guys recommended My Asics to help with my training. So I duly headed over to the site. This gives you lots of options, letting you set your goal and suggesting a training schedule. You can set the number of days you can train and which days you can train on. The site reckons I'll be able to do a 10 k in 1 hour 10 minutes given a 5 k time of 30 minutes. Which sounds good to me.
This week is meant to be easy - the next few runs are meant to get my body used to training, which is good for me. So this morning involved a slow and easy 8 k. I'm up in Blyth for the weekend so I left my husband asleep while I trotted off to the riverside. Lovely morning and I was supposed to run about 9 min/km but managed at least a minute faster. Feeling shattered now but happy with that.