Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I made this! Yay! Although Ross helped.

This weekend I went to see The Film Where Everybody Dies (In A Violent And Bloody Way), had to wave bye bye to Ross, which sucks a lot, and went to The Munchkin's housewarming where I was great at Singstar and rubbish at Dance Mat (although Dance Mat was fun and lots of exercise, always a good thing!). Oooh and I got the top that flaunts what I've got...

And in plant news I have one measly cherry tomato on my humugous vines - that was all they made. The Christmas Cactus thinks it's allready Christmas (eeek!) and I suspect one of the hoyas that's not supposed to flower for years has a little flower bud on it. Yay! I bought another one, very naughty, but I think I've lost two cuttings anyway :(

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

In My Email Box Today...

I just had to share this one with you...


I was wondering if anybody just happened to have a large capacity floor standing refrigerated centrifuge that they wanted to sell? Unfortunately my supervisor decided to set my previous one on fire.

This Week I Shall Mostly Be Dancing...

....because there's brownie just when I need it
....because I'm having my first singing lesson next week
....because Ross is coming to see me tonight
....because I can.

Friday, October 13, 2006

What happens if you fall asleep on the underground...

This guy had fallen asleep, so the people next to us decided to cover his hair with shaving foam. Two minutes after this photo was taken, he decided to wake up. Thankfully we (who had nothing to do with this, I hasten to add, we were just opposite him) were at Mile End, our change stop, so we could escape quickly...

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Metaphor

A bale of straw contains over a million straws.

What happens when there are no more straws?

Say it like Neo: "There is no bale"

Friday, October 06, 2006

In My Email Box this Morning (6th October)

"Get a PSP & top game from £169.99" offer is subject to availability and may be changed or withdrawn without notice by at any time. Offer ends on September 30th, 2006 see website Terms and Conditions for further details.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Things that make me wonder...

What happens to odd socks that are lost? Do they live under the bed waiting for someone to find them?

Why is it that I've got the third cold in as many weeks?

Cholate is nothing at all to do with chocolate, sadly.

I forgot to tell the organic guy I don't like celery and now have a whole bunch of it. Eeeugh!

You know you've been out of it when you leave the oven gas on all night (not burning) and you come to your bycicle only to find it's been randomly locked up.

I want to spend the weekend not doing much and chilling out, but I also want to be sociable. Do I go to a cheese and wine night and risk drinking too much wine?

Why is it that loud noises and bad smells (especially celery!) affect me a lot at the moment?