Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside.. the pouring hailstones?

Actually it wasn't that bad. I had a lovely day out with the Conservation Group who conserve things by cutting down trees. The trees in question on Sunday were in fact evil. They'd been planted in the hope that they'd stabilize the dune system, which they did, but then they also kind of took over the entire place, removing any chance of nice native species to grow. And to cap it all off they've got massive great big thorns on them too. So I ended up scratched and reeking of smoke after they lit a fire to burn said evil trees. We cut down quite a lot of evil bramble too, which I think did the most damage to my poor hands... Oh, and we got caught in a couple of nice downpours of hailstones, which we stood with our backs too and tried to remember not to turn round too much until they'd finished (hailstones in the eyes is not, actually, fun, funnily enough...
Would you believe that we actually cleared the hill you can see in this picture, and left only sand? We did very well, and then we got to burn lots of evil plants and then go to the pub to drink cider (well I did anyway) and eat massive concoctions of ice cream, chocolate syrup and maltesers... mmmm
Actually it wasn't that bad. I had a lovely day out with the Conservation Group who conserve things by cutting down trees. The trees in question on Sunday were in fact evil. They'd been planted in the hope that they'd stabilize the dune system, which they did, but then they also kind of took over the entire place, removing any chance of nice native species to grow. And to cap it all off they've got massive great big thorns on them too. So I ended up scratched and reeking of smoke after they lit a fire to burn said evil trees. We cut down quite a lot of evil bramble too, which I think did the most damage to my poor hands... Oh, and we got caught in a couple of nice downpours of hailstones, which we stood with our backs too and tried to remember not to turn round too much until they'd finished (hailstones in the eyes is not, actually, fun, funnily enough...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Day I Got A Shiner On My Knee
It doesn't come up very well in the photo, but last week I managed to fall off my bike. To be honest I was lucky not to hurt myself more, and I hardly even broke skin in my inability to cross hosepipes. Yes, I do know I should take them straight on, but occasionally I have a magic ability to be a bit of a plonker...
Friday, January 12, 2007
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