Yesterday was a stupid day. I had to clean out the hood, a piece of equipment we use to look after our cells. Unfortunately this seemed to have collected a large amount of broken glass and, unsurprisingly a small bit of this decided to lodge itself in my finger and didn't want to leave. So I had to go off to the Accident and Emergency Department of BRI (that's the local hospital) to get the damn thing removed. Oh what a fuss for a little bit of glass, I tell you I will get so sqeamish over the stupidest little bit of blood. The staff at the hospital were lovely to me, even letting me have a look at the x-ray of the bit of glass in my finger (they have digital x-rays now, very snazzy!) and although I did have to wait for a while, at least I had a TV to watch while I waited. The extraction did not go well, I shall not go into it too much but they didn't manage to get the whole thing out and I was feeling exceptionally woozy and faint by the end of it. I went back to work only to pick up my bag, grab a bus home and get a fish and chips on my way home. So I still have an excruciatingly sore finger that is not even the result of a
UDI, but from work and I'm going to get a bit of an infection soon.. nice!

So here it is, one sore finger and one allmighty pain in the arse. Work's going to be fun on Monday...
1 comment:
Sorry about your finger man !!
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