Monday, April 09, 2007

What Happens When You Wear Pretty Shoes

I will warn you now, that the picture I'm about to link to is gross. Those of you with a sensitive disposition, please do not whinge to me when you open it and, in fact find it really horrid.

This is what happens when I decide to walk home in my favourite shoes. It was so bad by the time I got home I bled all over the kitchen. Oops.

Just to make it worse, this morning I bashed the same toe against the door, drawing yet more blood, which caused a large amount of gurning and probably just the odd profanity or two...

I'm feeling very icky today. I definitely have a sensitive disposition...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You could go home barefoot :)
(picture yourself barefoot in the middle of the London xD)
can you post shoes somewhere too?
we say (slovenian): "Za lepoto je treba potrpet" (you have to suffer to look pretty)
Too bad :S

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Ouch. Show us the pair of heels in question...

Anonymous said...

I got a blister like this from.... Crocs... Can you believe it!? I wore sensible comfy frumpy shoes and it happened to me, so I would say at least your feet looked lovely in your shoes :) scholl do a handy spray for shoes that rub, it might help a bit.