I love Blackpool. If I didn't love Bristol so much and I'd had more than a 2-day fling with the place, I would put it as my number 1 town. The reason for this is that I just had a brilliant weekend "oop t'north" that was so good I didn't really want to go home...
I went to Blackpool to go to one of my best friend's wedding. This piece would not be complete without a picture of the happy couple so here they are:

Awww. Don't they look like they're having a good time. We were having a good time as well, despite the wind which made many of us quite cold by the time they'd taken the pictures...
The rest of the day went by without too many problems or too much alcohol getting drunk and we danced the night away to a selection of cheesy hits and indie moments... it was just great. I became the star of the show when, during the speech, the father of the bride says, "Does anyone else have random family words?" Most people were shaking their heads. I nodded mine... Our family call the bean bag the sag bag... Oh, and I won the blowing bubbles competition as well!!!
Sunday was a free day to do what we wanted before I got back into the lovely rental car (all function but no soul) so
Ross and I went out along the promenade together. I was a bit worried about getting back but really I shouldn't have been as much as the trip back was fine. We went up the tower (eek, expensive!), had a jacket potato for lunch after the excesses of the food the day before and the full english breakfast (with black pudding, mmm)... and then sadly had to make our way back. We wandered along the beach, with Ross adding a little decoration to the sand along the way, including a rather large replica of me complete with my toes sticking out of my socks!!!