Sunday, July 30, 2006

Things To Use Instead Of Your Hand

I frequently find myself at least a hand full, so I thought I would create a random list - why not?

5. Your Other Hand (go for the obvious one)
4. Your Leg - good for kicking doors open. Don't kick to hard, otherwise it'll come back at you too fast....
3. Your Elbow (good for door handles)
2. Your Mouth (commonly used by me to hold my wallet when I've run out of hands - not recommended when handling dangerous materials!)
1. Your Arse (bum first, also can be used to open door handles)


Anonymous said...

Doors that don't co-operate are not my friend... I have developed a knee and elbow for the double lock on the workshop door, otherwise I can't get out carrying the stuff I've gone to pick up

Have you ever noticed that all the doors in this building have coffee stains under the handles/locks/cardswipes??


Anonymous said...

Not working in your building we'd probably struggle to notice that! I think the people in this building must be a bit more protective of their coffee and put it down somewhere before trying to open the door. That or they're just more talented at not spilling it!