Then, the centrifuge Broke. This may not seem a problem, but when you have to do four spins in a centrifuge one floor up, and you have to travel there eight times, it's not so much fun.
Four long months passed.

The New Centrifuge Arrived, finally, after One Month's Delay and The Hottest July On Record (here I remind you again of the nine times having to go up and down stairs)
A month later, The Sonicator Works! Hooray, you think, maybe the saga has finished....
The Incubator Broke. Just in the Middle Of My Induction. So I'm Delayed Another Hour.
Ok, again, this May Not Be The End Of The World, but it's annoying, especially when you make the effort to come in and start early.
Also we now have 1 incubator for 5 plus groups to share, with overnight incubations at 37, inductions at 30 and growing competent cells at 19 this may not Work Very Well....
The saga continues...
Too many things broken in the bug room error.
Bugger, that's bad. We had a lyophiliser go down and that sucked.
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