Ok, this may need some explanation. We have made up many phrases of the week but recently we have decided we needed a dance too. This is mainly because when I was bored one day, I just started to dance while Ellie and Pippa were setting a gel. This was rapidly christened "The Gel Setting Dance", which morphed into "The Gel Running Dance" which one day even included jazz hands (see, before this, all the dances were roughly the same dance, just for different purposes!). The dance is usually bad, and involves some kind of arm movement, not much leg movement. Last time Ross saw me do it he asked me if I was having a fit or something, rude boy. My favourite dance is the "Dried Mango" dance as we were in Asda the other day and found dried mango, which brought about dancing. We like dried mango. But we're not allowed to dance in front of it any more because apparently it's inefficient (or Tone just wants his dinner!)....
And, for your viewing enjoyment, here is the cover of Ross's new DVD project... since I'm definitely not taking a photo of me dancing badly (sorry!)

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