Monday, March 13, 2006

Mad Scientists

I've decided to add random things that happen in my lab that are weird and you guys probably won't find funny, but it has to be done

Scene:Main lab. H. is standing in the way of the cupboard
E: Can I get in the cupboard?
H: Yes, of course you can get in the cupboard. Are you going to be able to fit?

E has decided that "yay" and "woo" are the ultimate answers to everything. This is because I say yay a lot when things work, and whenever a band asks a question to the crowd, the answer is always "woo". Example being "Hello Bristol!" Crowd answers: "Woooo!" Now we've gone a bit further and decided that the opposite of "woo" and "yay" are "woah" and "nay".

Scene: Tissue culture lab. H and E are in the hoods.
H: You're funny
E: But sometimes I can be patronising, but only to blokes.
H: I'll have to remember not to become a bloke then.


Anonymous said...

So does that mean you were both in the fume cupboards, or just E? Cos I'm confused, but it sounds like recipe for breakage!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is.... Woo and yay! And yes I would fit in the cupboard but I'm waiting for the right comedy moment (and a time when I won't get covered in nasty chemicals). Maybe the pixies will help with that one...